How to integrate WhatsApp API into your existing CRM or workflow.

Know how to integrate WhatsApp API for communication into your existing system.

WhatsApp API

It is way to interact WhatsApp. Meta (developers behind WhatsApp) provided list of API to communicate with registered users on WhatsApp. As you all know 90% of mobile users uses WhatsApp as their primary way of communication. We can leverage this fact to do some personalized & highly targeted workflows.

Use Cases

  • Send personalized message to Leads once they sign up for form/event/demo.
  • Ask them for feedback after event completion.
  • Send personalized landing pages.


  • Integrating REST API or use third party Meta-certified WhatsApp communication provider.

Things to consider

  • Pricing with WhatsApp Communication API.
  • Background running server to trigger WhatsApp workflow.

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