Top 10 Free Open Source CRM one must know in 2024 (Updated)

Its no brainer that a good CRM tool helps business of all the sizes to acquire, help and make happy clients. We have already discussed must-have features of CRM tool in one of our blog post, now its time to deploy your first CRM tool.

Here we present top 10 worthy open source CRM for your next project.

Before we begin!


10: SuiteCRM

  • Why to use? xxxxx
  • Why not to use?
  • What we think?
  • Technical Details: PHP, MySQL
  • Learn how to deploy.

9: OddoCRM

  • Why to use? xxxxx
  • Why not to use?
  • What we think?
  • Technical Details: Python, MySQL
  • Learn how to deploy.

Bonus: Our CRM!


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